Welcome to TopStart, your car carrier trailer specialists!
How the largest car carrier manufacturers in Australia got started
TopStart Trailers dates back to early in 1987 when Peter Bouzinelos, an engineer originally from Europe, was managing his own transport company. Peter had purchased a car carrier but he had problem after problem with damages to cars by poor design. That changed in 1986 when Peter decided to build his own car carrier trailer that would be far more innovative, high-tensile and reduce the damages to cars when loading upon it, while improving time efficiency. After being told it was impossible to build by any number of people, Peter put his engineering expertise into building the first 8 car carrier with its ability to transform into an open flat top – the first of its kind.
Peter's new trailers did prove up to the task and saved his company thousands of dollars in car repairs and had estimated 60 percent improvement in loading times.
Get in touch with Australia’s premier car carrier manufacturers
+61 (0) 97996533
2-20 Carter Way, Dandenong South, Victoria, 3175